
Why roll forming machine delay every time

It is very difficult for every factory to solve this problem. It is very difficult for us to have a order from our friends. Boss tells us that 45 days enough. So we said 60 to our friends. Finally, it is more than 90 days or longer. So we have the pressure now, Our clients will be worried for that.We must explain to them. We are waiting the parts, we are adjusting the machines, we will push it. We are also worried. When we go to our factories, all of the workers are busy with their works. But our machines are alone in one corner. Sad.

I think we can solve this problem. Boss can arrange it very well. But only think. Every step controls the schedule. That is machine schedule. Design problem-produce problem-install problem-design problem-design problem.God can bless the schedule.

What we want is the high quality machine. Hope friends can understand me. If we found problem, we must solve it, we must do it. so the schedule is delayed. Others can find the problem but few of them will solve it. Because it needs a lot of time and labors to demolish the roll forming machine and repair or change.

I hope we can keep the schedule very well even we have few orders.
Hope company is better and better.

I do not pay the money to everyone, so no one will follow my words. Just hope.

I have a dream. Few roll forming machines can keep the schedule. I can say sorry to my clients. And i can tell them the truth. But no one would like to listen. We should understand each other. If we changed the position, we bought the machine from others, they did not supply machine at time. We must be worried. So factory should push.

YUFA company
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